Category Archives : Speeding

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Time is money: Business beware of imposing unreasonable timetables

On April 10, 2012, Posted by , In Business,Speeding, With No Comments

If an employee exceeds the speed limit as a result of attempting to comply with his or her employer’s unreasonable timetable, the employer can be charged with procuring an offence of speeding. The timetable or schedule can be used as evidence of the employer’s complicity.  So, this is a cautionary…

Businessmen – Know Your Limits!

Lack of judgement about your speed, coupled with a lack of judgement about your ability to communicate, could cost you your licence. My working environment, the courtroom, is an artificial place. The rules and customs there are known only to the initiated. To an outsider, it is a mysterious place…

All That Legal Experience

On April 1, 2012, Posted by , In Speeding, With No Comments

Recently at the Magistrates’ Court my client faced a charge of driving through a red light at 53 mph in a 30 mph limit. The expected penalty was a very large fine (he was a Premier League Football player) and 6 points. With the assistance of a photograph of the…

£100 speed fines ‘will be tax on drivers’

On January 31, 2012, Posted by , In News,Speeding, By , , With No Comments

According to the front page of the Daily Telegraph: “Motorists face a huge increase in speeding fines to as much as £100 to help fill a funding gap for victims of crime, Kenneth Clark has disclosed. Standard £60 fines could increase by almost 70%.”… “Ministers hope to raise around £30…

Speeding totter keeps licence

A surgeon kept his driving licence despite being caught driving at twice the speed limit, taking him up to 12 penalty points, according to the Daily Telegraph 25/1/12. Magistrates decided that the impact of a driving ban on his patients would be too great. This is an example of exceptional…