Mobile Phones: Drama on the Roads
Today’s Daily Telegraph reports something we’ve probably all noticed in recent months if not years: drivers are still using their phones, and the trend is even increasing – despite higher fines if they are caught. Beware! This report is bound to lead to some kind of action – an even…
Penalty points disqualification
Penalty points disqualification; Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, s. 35. When a person’s penalty points number 12 or more the Court must order him to be disqualified for not less than a minimum period (usually six months), unless exceptional hardship would follow from the disqualification; or alternatively, mitigating circumstances may…
Barrister or Solicitor?
Andrew Henley is a specially qualified barrister able to take cases directly from the public, without the need for a solicitor. A barrister is not burdened by the same overheads as a solicitor. Barristers are individual practitioners and their fees can actually be lower than solicitors’, but they offer the…